
3 ways to calm your mind today

Hi Beauties,

Are you feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed? Or maybe just exhausted from the thoughts that have been running around in your head each day?

You’re not alone.

If you’re looking for a way to create more calm in your life right now…here are 3 easy things that will help:

Step outside for fresh air + deep breaths. Leave your phone inside and and as you breathe, focus on what you see, hear, and feel. This will help to calm your mind and your nervous system as a whole.

Find one little space in your home that you can declutter. Our “off the mat” mission in The Sisterhood this month is all about decluttering (we just kicked off a new month and re-opened enrollment for you, it’s not too late to join us! Creating a little more calm in our surroundings can help create more calm in our minds.

Turn off the news and create a plan for how you will consume it moving forward. We can stay informed without being glued to the latest headline. Limiting our news consumption can have an immediate impact on how calm we feel throughout the day. Pay extra attention to the pop up notifications and accounts that you follow that may feed you unsettling news when you’re not ready for it. (I personally turn off all news notifications so I am 100% in control of what I see and when I see it.)

And you know I have one last recommendation for you that can shift your mood from stressed and exhausted to calm and energized today….take 10-15 minutes to do Pilates!

Keep taking it one day at a time. I will continue to do all that I can to support you and provide the positivity & encouragement you need to make it through this challenging time.


PS – Do you know someone that is on the front lines serving as an essential worker right now? I’ve partnered with Parker Clay and a handful of other incredible brands to give away a bundle of amazing gifts to a new winner each day for 30 days! Click here to nominate someone you love!

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6 thoughts on “3 ways to calm your mind today”

  1. Hi Robin. I’m feeling emotional most days since the Covid19 crisis hit the UK. I work in Sheltered Housing keeing over 50s fit and motivated, and over night my life changed! From a gym manager to doing all things needed to keep our residents and staff safe and ultimately alive. I’ve gone through anger at certain things, self pitty not being able to do my job, selfish for not wanting to be there but be home with my family, to now working shifts and doing chores I never imagined I’d be doing. Yet the tide shifts and life changes and we change with it, sometimes without knowing it! Keep you posts and videos coming, they inspire and lift my spirit, so thankyou and God Bless America.. My boy is there and I miss him so much xxx

    1. Elisabeth Callahan

      Thank you so much for all you do, Gill! All your emotions are understandable. We are cheering for you!

  2. Albertina Geller

    It is very difficult for all of us during these times especially the frontline workers. One can only imagine what they must be going through. It is a great initiative on your part. I wanted to add a point to your post that is meditation. Meditation has helped me a lot in dealing with anxiety. You don’t need to follow any guided path just put on some soothing music and sit down with your eyes closed and focus on your mind and body. It helps declutter your mind and calm down your thoughts. I hope my suggestion helps. 🙂

  3. Hello! Interesting ways, this really works for me. Stress greatly affected my condition, I also began to feel bad physically, and drinking sedatives is not an option. Your advice is really good and helps to get distracted and relax. I try to use the phone less and also do yoga. It helps me put my thoughts in order and become mentally stronger. Thank you for sharing this, have a nice day!

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