
30-Day Pilates Body Challenge: Day #30 – Full Body Finale!

30 day challenge thumb day 30


You’ve officially made it to the last day of the 30-Day Pilates Body Challenge. If you’ve made it this far, you should be SO proud of yourself.

I encourage you to treat yourself to a little something special as a reward for you all of your hard work. Perhaps a pedicure, a new outfit or a new Pilates mat?

You deserve it.

I am truly grateful that you joined me in this challenge. I know your time is precious so I am honored that you chose to spend 10 minutes a day with me for the past 30 days. I told you it was going to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship didn’t I? 🙂

The good news is, if you want to continue getting stronger and improving your health you can join me and women from all over the world in The Sisterhood. We cheer each other on, hold each other accountable, and share tips & ideas to make healthy, balanced living easier and more enjoyable.

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I assign workouts Monday – Friday. 3 of the workouts are 10-minute workouts (some will even be from the 30-day challenge!) and 2 of them are 30-40 minute workouts. If you enjoyed this challenge you will LOVE The Sisterhood. I really would love to keep working with you so I hope you join. 🙂

Click here to join!

And now….on to our last and final Pilates workout!

Today is the grand finale. I’m leading you through a full-body routine at a slightly accelerated pace. This may feel challenging, but don’t be discouraged, that’s how it should feel to keep you moving forward on your journey. Remember, if it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you!

Thank you again for being a part of this with me! I am truly grateful for you!

Daily Check-In: Let’s just celebrate! Post a photo and show me that you officially completed the challenge!




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75 thoughts on “30-Day Pilates Body Challenge: Day #30 – Full Body Finale!”

  1. Morning Robin!
    I just finished the challenge. I have done your workouts before and really enjoyed it this time as well.
    Thanks so much.

  2. I completed the challenge! My daughter told me of this and I am so thankful!
    Also benefitted greatly from webinar last pm.!

  3. Thank you so much for this Lovely challenge! I will continue with Pilates and has treated myself with a new pair of workout leggings! 🙂

  4. Thanik you so much, Robin! This challenge was so great because I could easily fit it into my day; and even if I just had time to do this one movement practice in the morning, I still felt like I had accomplished something. Oooh and I love all the rolling! Makes me feel like I’m playing!

  5. Finished the 30 day challenge with a woman of great grace, Robin, as my guide. Thank you for the challenge & for the replay of the webinar. Will seriously consider the Sisterhood after I have my 12 pm MASSAGE today with my favorite therapist, Chuck! Have a wonderful day, you beauty.

  6. My daughter Alayna challenged me to this 30-day program and became my accountability partner. It has been a wonderful journey and I’m feeling better, stronger, even a hint taller 😉 Today I’m getting a new, softer mat from my yoga mat as my reward for completing the challenge. Thank you, Robin, for sharing and doing this for all of us!

  7. Just finished the last workout. Some days I would miss so I just doubled up the next day so I could get them all in. Going to Disney World in ten days so will continue to do a workout of yours each day. Thanks so much for making pilates so much fun!

  8. Susan Goldstein

    I LOVED THIS! I already rewarded myself 3/4’s through by buying a new workout top at Athletica [on sale!!!]
    This is my — I forget how many! — Pilates Challenge with you, and they only get better. Maybe I will finally sign up for the Sisterhood… too shy!
    xo susan

  9. Thank you so much Robin! Just finished the 30 day challenge and feel fantastic. I joined the sisterhood and plan on keeping up with regular Pilates!

  10. Done! I was invited by a friend to join this challenge so glad I did and I will celebrate with eating a piece of organic dark chocolate.

  11. Thanks Robin! It’s been a good time. Loved the Pilates work outs! Thank you for helping me get stronger in my core!! I missed some days but always made them up, Usually did more than 10 minutes once I got started.



  12. Claire edgeworth

    Yaaaaaay!!!! Just completed the 30 day challenge….thoroughly enjoyed every second……okay maybe not every second there was a few where I was thought my body was breaking!! I’m now looking forward to looking at other challenges you have on your site. Thank you for being so down to earth and honest xxxxxxxx

  13. I just did my last workout! It was a total fluke that I happened to find this right when you were starting, but I have loved it. This was also my first experience with pilates, and it definitely wont be my last. Thanks so much!

  14. Made it through!! Feeling good, ready to keep challenging myself though (through the Sisterhood!) To celebrate I am going shopping for some workout clothes AND a mat (I’ve had 30 days of carpet LOL) – thanks so much for your inspiration & motivation Robin xx

  15. Thanks for the challenge, I haven’t do my exercises, but I can wait to get home after long day taking care of patients, I will do something special for ME…

  16. Whoohoo!!! Challenge complete!!! Thank you Robin! Was one day searching for free online workout videos to get back into shape and found Pilates. Not only found Pilates, which I LOVE, but found the Balanced Life! I am forever grateful and will be sticking around for a long time! Am now a part of the Sisterhood and couldn’t be more proud of making it, gracefully, through this challenge! Again, thank you!!!

  17. I finished the 30-day challenge. When I have tried Pilates in the past it has been very intense videos that were too difficult after having 5 babies. Your 10-minute workouts were perfect. I feel stronger and more flexible. I also plan to sign up for the Sisterhood. Thank you for the challenge!

    1. They will! We can’t guarantee they’ll be available forever but as of now we have no plans to take them down. 🙂

  18. Challenge complete! Congratulating with a nice long bath and then paint my toenails a pretty spring color 🙂

  19. Done so happy I found this challenge it has been so much fun. I can see such a change in my core and muscles in just the 30 days and I am not ready to call it quits so I too joined the sisterhood and cant wait to see what another 30 days brings. Thanks so much Robin. I will treat myself to a massage this week end.

  20. Thank you SO MUCH for this series! I’ve had a great time, and can’t wait to start tomorrow from square one, working my way back through the series! I’ve been sending your videos to everyone I know, telling them how much 10 minutes a day has been changing my body, mood, and life. Sending love from Tokyo!

  21. Thank you Robin! I did the whole 30 days. I feel terrific and stronger, but I still have a ways to go before I can do that over the head exercise. I’m seriously considering the Sisterhood. Are there barre workouts?

    1. Congratulations Judy!! There are a few barre workouts in The Sisterhood workout library. And probably a few more to come this year! 🙂

  22. Just completed the last workout -loved this challenge. Thank you
    Can’t wait to continue with you in the Sisterhood ??

  23. THANK YOU, Robin!! <3
    I can't believe I did the whole 30 days!! First time ever I stick to a challenge from beginning to the end. I'm so proud of myself and also so glad I found you. I enjoyed every workout, I feel stronger and my yoga practice has improved like never before.
    This has been the best way to keep myself focus and moving while I'm chained to my desk writing my thesis like 12 hours per day 😛

  24. Day#30-Done!
    I started with you in Dec 2015 with the Holiday 4×4. You encouraged me to at least 10 min a day. So Dec was 4-5 x a week. Jan 4-5 also. Feb5-6 times a week. March 7 days a week, I only missed 1 day due to illness, yeah. I am stronger, have lost 6 lbs and my clothes fit better. I always eat healthy but due to my age and the changes that are occurring my waist has thickened. The exercise is helping me and your booklet in Dec suggested measuring and weighing which have been benificial. Thanks Robin!

  25. Yeah! Day 30 completed! Pilates has been so important to me over the years, and I really appreciate Robins expert and very human teaching style. Ten years ago tomorrow, I was facing lumpectomy surgery for Stage 1 breast cancer. As a strong single woman without any family nearby, I faced my cancer treatment head-on. I won’t lie, it was stressful and terrifying at times. I had been doing a pilates class at the gym with a wonderful instructor for several years before my diagnosis. Continuing with pilates during my surgical recovery and 30-days of radiation treatments was important for feeling “normal” and strong. Pilates was and has been a lifeline for me. I’m so happy to have participated in this challenge. I don’t do social media, but if you could see my face…I have a big smile on my face!

  26. that was awesome! I’m glad i made it!!!!! and now i fell stronger but more important better with myself!!!
    I’m going to do it all over again on a new mat, that will be my reward!!!
    Thanks a lot Robin!

  27. Finished my first Pilates challenge!! Excited to see what my adventure with the Sisterhood brings me?
    I feel like Pilates is a great supplement to my life that will make me and my yoga practice continue to get much stronger! ?

    Thanks for getting me into in Robin! See you in April!

  28. Thanks, Robin! Your 30 day challenge got me back into Pilates–which I used to do all the time. That was before my daughter was born…she’s four now. I’ve done different workouts but have neglected my core. Now I remember why I love Pilates! Thank you for making this an attainable goal and I can tell I’m stronger than when I started. Finishing a day late but so glad I didn’t quit!

  29. Robin! I can’t believe how quickly the past 30 days passed! I have continued to feel better and better every day and I can’t thank you enough!
    I am now fully on-board–I rewarded myself with Chickfila breakfast on the morning commute–and this afternoon I’ve committed to joining the Sisterhood!
    I set up my account through PayPal now, and believe that everything has gone through. But I never filled out any more information for the Sisterhood//I haven’t received any form of confirmation. Is there anything else I need to do? I want to make sure I’m fully in before tonight at midnight 🙂

  30. I’ve definitely gotten stronger through this month. Doing every single work out by the last one I was able to do every move, and that was after doing a glutes and inner thighs workout previously! Need to work on rolling like a ball with my legs in the splits first however!

  31. Finished it a few days late! I love the ten minute workout format- perfect after work while while my two littles are in the bath! I signed up for the sisterhood- eager to keep going!

  32. shealeen murphy

    WOO HOO! I Had to finish it late but I got it done! Thank you for putting this together! It has really changed my perception of working out into a much more positive life choice and not something I have to mentally talk myself into doing. Sisterhood here I come!

  33. Hi Robin Thank you very much for a terrific informative workout. Loved them all. Some very challenging. I will certainly pass your site to other friends. Debra

  34. That was great! Thank you! I appreciate your precise instruction and authentic personality 🙂 I feel so much better and more flexible. I want to stick with this, its helped me both emotionally and physically, as I’m going through a time that I’m on medication (that encourages weight gain:( ) and waiting until I have surgery before I get off of it. I truly appreciate you and this entire month. Thank you!!

  35. this is the first time ever i’ve completed a workout challenge.
    I’m very proud of myself and very thankfull to your for doing this.
    I will definitely continue:-)

    1. So great to hear! Congratulations!! 🙂 Will I see you in my membership site? Hope so! And once again, CONGRATS! xo, Robin

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