
30-Day Pilates Body Challenge: Day #8 (legs + balance)

30 day challenge thumb day 8

Hi Beauties!

Are you ready for another leg workout?

Today’s Pilates routine was designed to strengthen your lower body and improve your balance.

Balancing exercises work a variety of muscle groups: quads, hamstrings, calves, foot & ankle stabilizers, abdominals, glutes, pelvic floor…the list goes on. They are an efficient way to build functional strength.


(top = no // bottom = yes)

A few notes about today’s workout:

  1. You’ll want to have a chair or countertop nearby for support.
  2. When raising your leg behind you (also known as hip extension) pay close attention to the position of your pelvis and lower back. Many people raise their leg so high that they end up using their lower back rather than the hamstrings and glutes. Keep your hips squared off and your lower back long. If you feel it in your lower back you’re raising your leg too high (see image above). Higher does not equal better. 🙂

Enjoy your workout!

Daily Check-In: As you choose what to eat today, choose foods that will make you feel your best and support all of the work you’re doing on your mat. For today’s check-in I want you to show me what healthy foods you’re using to fuel your strong, beautiful body! Use the hashtag #30daypilatesbody so I can see how you’re doing. 🙂



PS – You may also enjoy these posts: Are Barre Workouts Good For You? and My Fitness Philosophy.

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41 thoughts on “30-Day Pilates Body Challenge: Day #8 (legs + balance)”

  1. Wow! Robin, would you ever consider a 30-day barre challenge, “Robin Style” (i.e. mindful, positive, and what’s best for the body and good for the spirit)? This could be a key promotion for drawing women into the Sisterhood, as well, where they can find more barre workouts.

  2. Thanks Robin, that was an awesome workout with the balance focus. I might do this one a few times today! The balance really makes my mind have to focus and slow down. Loved it!!!

  3. Loved this one! Thanks Robin! I’m enjoying doing my Pilates Body Challenge pre-gym, so I know what I don’t need to do in my ‘regular’ workout. : )

  4. I am finally back…had the worst cold. It’s nice to get back for today’s fun and challenging leg workout! Just what I needed!

  5. Love, Love, Love it. Even when I’m just beat I tell myself “it’s only 10 mins., just do it”. Thanks Robin!

  6. Did an hour of pilates at my fitness club last night so waited to do this set till tonight. I really enjoyed the emphasis on balance.

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