
A reminder to care for your body AND mind…

“The trouble with always trying to preserve the health of the body is that it is so difficult to do without destroying the health of the mind.” ~G.K. Chesterton

mind body wellness

As a Pilates trainer, my days revolve around helping others care for themselves, whether it be physically, mentally or a combination of the two. I want to do the same for you, my dedicated “virtual clients.”

Pilates takes concentration, awareness, self-control and a connection between your mind and body. You synchronize your breath with your movement, mentally connect with specific muscles groups – actively turning one set “on”, while simultaneously turning another set “off”. Pilates uses image cues that trigger a response in the mind that is then expressed through movement in the body. It’s exercise for the mind and exercise for the body.

More importantly, it’s an opportunity for people to step out of their busy life and spend an hour focusing on themselves and their needs rather than tasks and deadlines and to do lists.

Stress weakens your immune system, makes you sick and eventually leads to disease. Managing this stress is of utmost important.

A healthy, functioning body is absolutely part of our health, but it’s just that – a part.

Total health is composed of physical health and mental health – the two cannot be separated.

how to reduce stress

So as you enter a new year, I ask you this: what are you doing to take care of your mental health?

Just like physical exercise, taking time to nurture your mind is a discipline. In our loud, uber-connected, over-committed culture it will not happen on its own.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

-Wake up 15 minutes earlier to allow time to journal, pray, or meditate

-Go for a walk on your lunch break to be alone with your thoughts…no phone, no ipod, just you.

-Schedule times of stillness & silence. Even if 5 minutes is all you can muster, turn everything off. Sit. Breathe. Just be.

-Make a gratitude list and recognize all of the things you have to be thankful for.

-Disconnect…for the day, for the evening, for the weekend…you choose, only you know what you need.

-Take a yoga or Pilates class to clear your head and rejuvenate your body.

-Take a mental health day! I am all about this. If health is composed of mental & physical wellness, then don’t be afraid to call in “sick” to honor your body & mind.

If you have a favorite way to care for your mental health, post a comment. We’re in this together.

“In a disordered mind, as in a disordered body, soundness of health is impossible.” ~Cicero

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