Health + Fitness

Motivation vs. Consistency

Motivation vs. Consistency: Which One Helps You Build Lifelong Habits?

In the battle of motivation vs. consistency, which one wins? While both can be key components of your health and fitness journey, we at Lindywell believe one is better at helping you build lifelong habits than the other.  The difference between these two may not be so obvious on the surface, so let’s break down […]

Motivation vs. Consistency: Which One Helps You Build Lifelong Habits? Read More »

mindful vs. mindfull

Mindful vs. MindFULL: How to Shift Out of Anxiety and into Calm

The difference in the spelling of mindful vs. mindFULL is minor, but the difference in how each of these things can impact your life is significant.  You’re probably familiar with the feeling of being mindfull. It starts from the moment you hear the alarm each morning, as the thoughts come rushing in:  What time is

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nervous system dysregulation

How to Reset Nervous System Dysregulation With Pilates and Breath

There’s a lot of discussion around nervous system dysregulation in the wellness world these days—and for good reason. The nervous system impacts every area of your life, and when out of alignment (dysregulated), it can cause a ripple effect of issues and challenges, physical, mental, and emotional. If you’ve felt overwhelmed, irritable, or extremely fatigued,

How to Reset Nervous System Dysregulation With Pilates and Breath Read More »

balancing hormones naturally

6 Tips for Balancing Hormones Naturally and Feeling Good in Your Body

Balancing hormones naturally is not only possible, but it’s also one of the best ways to help bring your body back into balance. If you’re wondering how to do this, you’re not alone. In fact, nearly 50 percent of women in the U.S. experience hormonal imbalance, according to a recent survey from Dr. Anna Cabeca,

6 Tips for Balancing Hormones Naturally and Feeling Good in Your Body Read More »

unhealthy relationship with food

5 Ways to Heal an Unhealthy Relationship with Food

An unhealthy relationship with food can form for many reasons. Whether your parents or caregivers were long-term dieters or you simply took on the many messages of the $946-billion global diet industry, the relationship to food is fraught for many. In fact, disordered eating habits are more common than you might think. For example, more

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travel workout pilates

Pilates: The Ultimate Travel Workout to Balance Fitness and Fun

A great travel workout is helpful for staying connected to your body when you’re not at home. While more than 50 percent of Americans reporting scheduling fitness time into their vacations or business trips, the hard part is often making time for this much-needed movement. It can feel like it gets in the way of

Pilates: The Ultimate Travel Workout to Balance Fitness and Fun Read More »

neck mobility

Could Your Phone be Impacting Neck Mobility? (Plus: Pilates Exercises for Tech Neck)

Neck mobility may not be something you think about often, yet we use (and abuse) our necks more than we might realize. Think about this scenario: your phone buzzes with a new text message, and you look down at the screen, open the notification, and begin to scroll. Before you know it, 20 minutes have

Could Your Phone be Impacting Neck Mobility? (Plus: Pilates Exercises for Tech Neck) Read More »