Kate Torgersen: helping busy mothers, new career paths + finding your healthiest self

Being a working mom comes with an array of unique challenges. Breastfeeding on its own can be demanding, but mixing it with working-parent life can be a recipe for stress. 

Today’s guest, Kate Torgersen, knows exactly what this struggle is like, and that’s why she created Milk Stork. Milk Stork was birthed from Kate’s own working-parent struggles and she now uses it to help other working moms who are committed to breastfeeding. In this episode, she shares what it’s like for her to be a working mom, the challenges she’s faced this year, and tangible tips to make stress more manageable.

Show highlights: what you can look forward to in this episode!

  • Robin shares how she discovered Milk Stork
  • What Kate’s current season of life looks like
  • Kate’s career path and how Milk Stork started
  • The way challenges shift throughout parenthood and seasons
  • What chores Kate doesn’t do and how she balances them
  • Defining “healthy” for yourself and how intermittent fasting has helped Kate feel her best
  • What 2020 taught Kate about stress
  • Finding healthy new rituals

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3 thoughts on “Kate Torgersen: helping busy mothers, new career paths + finding your healthiest self”

  1. Michelle Thompson

    It’s so inspiring to hear other moms and women in general just killing it out there in the business world. Thanks for sharing this story! Love it.

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