This approach to wellness might surprise you

If nothing changes, nothing changes. When you look at the bigger picture, all life changes are built up of small steps and actions. It can be easy to get overwhelmed when you try to take on too much at full-force, but that’s why taking a less-is-more approach is powerful. 

In today’s episode, Robin discusses what it means to take a less-is-more approach and how to make those small steps. She explains the importance of consistency and following through with habits so they compound over time. Join Robin in this inspiring episode to learn more. 

Show highlights: what you can look forward to in this episode!

  • Robin shares how she uses her vision board to ground herself 
  • How to take a less-is-more approach in your fitness 
  • The impact 15 minutes a day can have on your fitness
  • The power of consistency 
  • The compound effect of daily habits 
  • Robin shares success stories from women in the sisterhood 
  • How to make healthy habits and set yourself up for success 
  • 4 small steps you can do today for future you  

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38 thoughts on “This approach to wellness might surprise you”

  1. I have been practicing simplicity for several years. One of the things that drew me to The Balanced Life Pilates sessions was the short amount of time, 15 to 30 minutes a day, devoted to strength and flexibility. This podcast re-enforces that I am on the right track fitness wise! Thank you!

  2. Thank you I really liked the podcast. I too have been taking exercise slow and doing what I can. It was nice to have the conformation that there will be a good outcome for less is more.

  3. Great podcast. This is the first one I have listened to. Love the idea of less is more. I recently joined a Clutter clearance group so this fits right in line with that. You have such a great, calm personality. It is such a pleasure listening to you.
    Thank you.

  4. Loved the message today. My personality is in sync with the consistency theory. Pre COVID, I would spend a couple hours each day, Monday thru Friday at the YMCA, to get and stay in shape but also for the social benefits. Without the “Y” I searched for something else to do and found Robin. I love the Sisterhood, love doing Pilates on the beach, and love the less is more theory. I do some aerobics a few days a week for 15-30 minutes, but do Pilates 6-7 days/week. I feel I am in better shape, look more toned, and have a stronger core than I used to have. I am looking forward to turning 65 next week! Thank you Robin and the Sisterhood!

    1. Jackie at The Balanced Life

      Hi Debra! That’s wonderful to hear that you are feeling strong – keep up the great work ? And happy birthday!!

  5. Thank you for the podcast I really enjoyed it. I enjoy the little time exercising, I have been doing this since july but then broke my arm so was done for awhile but now last 2 months I have been doing this enjoy it very much.

  6. Robin, this podcast was just what I needed to listen to tonight! I loved everything you said. The idea that “less is more” is so inspiring to me. It makes me want to stick to a regular exercise routine…a realistic everyday exercise routine! Thank you for all you do to inspire not just myself but so many woman!

    1. Love this…I just joined and excited to learn about what’s comming next…I am a nurse and work 3 12 hr shifts..pretty much resigned myself to not working out those days….maybe that can change!

  7. This podcast was very timely for me. I’ve been disappointed in myself for not exercising more and sticking to an eating plan. So this was just what i needed to remind myself that even the smallest positive action is still a positive action. Also, love the idea of getting outside for a few moments every morning. During quarantine, I’ve been working from home and will go several days without going outside. I really notice a difference in my attitude when I do finally go out. Will definitely be doing this tomorrow.
    Thanks Robin and TBL team!!!

    1. Jackie at The Balanced Life

      None of us are “perfect” with exercise and nutrition – try to not feel discouraged! We’re glad you found the message in this episode helpful. Keeping doing the things that help you feel good – we’re cheering you on! ❤️?

  8. Wow! I’m so glad I decided to listen to your podcast tonight. I just broke up with my boyfriend yesterday and I’ve been so sad and depressed…Not just today, but for weeks… This gave me new inspiration to Make some small changes in my life. Instead of just feel sitting around getting more depressed and eating my feelings. I’m an older woman and I work long hours, so it’s not always easy to get moving and make changes. I’m starting these small steps toward a more balanced life tonight.
    Thank you thank you thank you for the inspiration! ❤️

    1. Jackie at The Balanced Life

      So sorry to hear about your recent breakup, Liz – that is never easy. ❤️ We’re grateful to hear that this gave you new inspiration! Take it one small step at a time – we’re in your corner and are cheering you on!!

  9. Another great “chat” to keep me moving in a positive direction. Thanks so much for your practical advice and simple approach. Fitness is really a lifelong journey!
    Take Care… until next time!

  10. My first TBL podcast and I loved it! The idea of less is more, compounding over time …..made so much sense to me today. Achievable goals leading to more success is such a win, win.
    Thanks for inspiration 🙂

    1. Jackie at The Balanced Life

      Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback, Stacie – we’re so glad you enjoyed this episode! ❤️

  11. Megan Witte Bewernitz

    This was such a wonderful podcast. This week has been chaotic where I felt I let good habits slide, etc., but this was a great reminder to be gracious to myself and to keep after those small daily habits because they will continue to pay off!

    1. Jackie at The Balanced Life

      Yes to choosing grace! We’re so glad you to hear that you found this episode helpful, Megan. And hope your weekend has been less chaotic for you! ❤️

  12. This was the first of your podcasts i have listened to. It was what I needed to hear. I have used the calendar as a workout guide and have only missed one day since September. I do keep asking myself if it is enough. The reason i have only missed once, for a medical reason, is the doable time commitment. I really like the alternate short and “long” times on the mat. I lift weights after the three short workouts.

    1. Jackie at The Balanced Life

      We’re so glad that you enjoyed this episode! ❤️ And that’s incredible to hear that you’ve been able to stay so consistent – that is something to be so proud of. Keep it up!!

  13. Tiffany @ Foxy Fit Apparel

    Thank you for emphasizing the “less is more mantra” for women. We are often told that we need to do more…more, more more. We end up with some sort of super woman complex and then we’re burned out. When it comes to working out, as a mom of 2, I don’t have hours to spend in the gym. I’m lucky to get 30 minutes in and I need to make the most of it. I think more women should embrace the idea that less is more and quit thinking that if we aren’t constantly “doing” that we’re somehow falling short.

  14. This is the first Balance Life podcast that I’ve listened to, and it just reminded me of why I joined! I love everything about this approach so far and I’m so excited to be supported in creating new habits and embracing “less is more” to make small impactful changes in my life. Thank you!

    1. Jackie at The Balanced Life

      Yay! We love hearing that you’re enjoying the workouts and approach. We’re so happy you’re here!

  15. Awesome.. impressive.. power packed like ur workouts. I am going to implement 4 steps suggested here. Thank you!

  16. Amanda Jayne Doran

    I listen to the podcasts when I relax in a bath, so informative, interesting and enjoyable. Robin seems to know what we need to hear, love them ❤️❤️

    1. Jackie at The Balanced Life

      Hi Garry! So sorry if we missed it – did you have a question that we can help answer? ?

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