Creating a simple, but powerful morning routine

As seasons of life shift, so do our morning routines. Maybe you have one, maybe you don’t, maybe you want a more set routine, or maybe you do better going with the flow. Regardless of what season you’re currently in, having habits we integrate into our mornings can help us set ourselves up better for our days. 

In today’s episode, Robin shares her current morning routine and the reasons why she prioritizes them in the morning. Whether you’re looking to make a new routine, want to switch yours up a bit, or you’re just getting started, this episode is packed with tangible and rejuvenating ideas. 

simple morning routine

Show highlights: what you can look forward to in this episode!

  • How to adapt and create a morning routine that fits for you 
  • Embracing seasons and readjusting your routine 
  • Being proactive throughout your day instead of reactive 
  • Why Robin likes to “get ahead” of the day 
  • Starting off the morning with positive and grateful thoughts 
  • The benefits of using a dry brush 
  • Why Robin takes a cold shower in the mornings 
  • Listening to a podcast to start your day 
  • Doing a 15-minute workout in the mornings 
  • What Robin does for her spirituality
  • Why Robin avoids her phone in the morning 

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13 thoughts on “Creating a simple, but powerful morning routine”

  1. Tell me, what to do if you can’t force yourself to do exercises in the morning? I get up and I really feel very tired, I don’t want anything, and only at lunchtime I start to feel energized and start doing something. Or does it matter when I exercise? I just got used to doing it in the evening and after it I just have to rest and that’s it) But I also don’t really like it, then in the morning I’m very sluggish and constantly want to sleep

    1. Jackie at The Balanced Life

      Hi there! There’s really no one “right” time to exercise. It might be more difficult to get going in the morning, but you might find that you feel better after wards. We encourage you to experiment and find what works best for you and helps you feel your best! ?

  2. I wake up at 5 am and am at school by 6. Home by 4:30 or 5, so a morning routine is not possible. I prefer morning but it’s just not possible. Could I do this in the afternoon?

    1. Jackie at The Balanced Life

      Hi Alison! What works for one person doesn’t always work for another – so if mornings are challenging, we absolutely encourage you to experiment with developing an evening/afternoon routine that works for you! ?

  3. I previously stuck to an evening regimen because of time constraints.. However, ever since I changed my job and switched my exercise routine to morning, I got great results. Your episode is on point.. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Wow! such magnificent information here. the author has justified the title of the article. all in one post including information, video, with some example. I am really impressed with the way of explaining. looking forward to getting more blog from your side. thanks for sharing.

  5. Loved this podcast and although my season of life is much farther along than yours, we share very similar morning rituals including a spiritual time filled with meditation, prayer and journaling in a gratitude book. This is followed by a workout listening to a wonderful spiritual app and finishing the morning with your Pilates workout. I am on day 4 of the 5 day free trial classes and really enjoying them so far!
    Thanks Robin.

    1. Jackie at The Balanced Life

      It’s great to hear that you have a morning routine that works well for you, Jonni! And we’re so happy you’re enjoying the Pilates workouts so far – keep up the great work!

  6. Thanks, this was so encouraging and I will definitely be adding some of these thoughts into my morning routine!

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