Give yourself permission to do less

In today’s world of social media, it’s easy to get caught up, feeling like we’re not doing enough – even with ten thousand other things on our plate. We get overwhelmed with having to get a new outfit for every event, needing to start a new workout plan, attempting new diets, and the cycle doesn’t stop. We’re faced with this subconscious pressure to “catch up” every day, but what if we gave ourselves permission to do less? 

This habit of always doing more keeps you from putting forth effort towards the things that will positively impact your life and prevents you from truly doing anything well. Join Robin in this encouraging episode and for tips to start doing less with more intention.

Show highlights: what you can look forward to in this episode!

  • Ways the internet has subconsciously pressured us to try to do more 
  • How to give ourselves permission to do less without backtracking 
  • How trying to do too much prevents us from doing our best 
  • Giving yourself permission to do less with more intention 
  • How do you know where to focus 
  • Making small changes to make a positive impact

Links in this episode:

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8 thoughts on “Give yourself permission to do less”

  1. Katherine Donahue

    Wish I had your confidence but your podcast always helps me. Thanks so much. Yes, I am trying to follow your advice.

  2. Your podcast really helped me to slow down and take a real hard look at my life. I needed to break the cycle of trying to do too much and then berating myself for not achieving my self-imposed high goals. Now, I have given myself permission to do less.

    Thanks. I know it is an ongoing process and I will need guidance every step of my life. Which I am sure to find here.

    1. It’s wonderful that you see this pattern in your life and are giving yourself permission to do less! We’re here for you and cheering you on, Anna!

  3. Randy Pendergrass

    I am brand new. Made it thru 3 of the 5 workouts. I tried too hard to do what I used to do as a dance teacher/athlete. Almost three years ago I was in a near fatal head on car collision. My legs were crushed, all ribs broken and intestines damaged. 11 hours of surgery put my right foot back on. I have healed miraculously. Walking workouts have saved my life. But, I am weak as a kitten. Love your wise encouragement. I will need it. Randy

    1. We’re so sorry to hear of your serious accident and for the challenges that has created. How incredible that have healed and are caring for yourself with exercise! We encourage you to give yourself grace and celebrate your wins. We’re cheering you on, both on and off your mat, Randy!

  4. Hi
    I would have loved to stay with the sisterhood but as i have had an MS relapse it has made Pilates almost impossibe at the moment.

    1. Hi Elaine – We’re so sorry to hear you’ve had an MS relapse and for all the challenges that may be creating for you. We hope you’re listening to your body and taking time to rest and care for yourself.? Please reach out to us at hello@thebalancedlifeonline if we may be of further help!

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