
Gentle Morning Pilates Routine

Hi Beauties!

Start your day off with some gentle exercises with my new Gentle Morning Pilates Routine!

While this might not be something I can fit in during this season of life (after-bedtime workouts all the way!), I love the idea of sneaking in some quick stretches or a short walk in the morning to help start the day on a healthy, energized note!

This Gentle Morning Pilates routine will help warm up your body and create some energy first thing in your day! It’s a quick + effective workout that you can come back to on a daily basis. It’s great on its own or tagged on to a longer workout as a warm up to get your blood pumping and wake those muscles up!

CLICK HERE to view the workout directly on YouTube!

Give it a try this morning and let me know how it goes in the comments.


PS – Looking for more Pilates workouts + a supportive community? CLICK HERE to learn more about The Balanced Life Sisterhood.

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12 thoughts on “Gentle Morning Pilates Routine”

  1. Jennifer Spolton

    I had my bowel removed 2 yrs ago, I have now put on a lot weight round that area and my core is weak. I am 70 and have copd, breathing problems. Which exercises could I manage , to help me please.

    1. Hi Jennifer!Pilates is a great form of exercise to strengthen your core! If you are new to Pilates, I encourage you to check out our Pilates for Beginners series. That will teach you the fundamentals of Pilates, while still giving you a great workout. Just be sure to check with your medical provider first to be sure that Pilates is safe and recommended for you. Cheering you on, Jennifer! 🙂

  2. Got home late. Watched the workout to see what it was like. Can’t wait to try it in the morning. I always exercise first thing in the morning before getting ready for work.

    Thanks Robin. Looks like a wonderful, short workout. Will definitely be adding it to my favorites.


  3. I’m a morning work-out person, getting my Pilates done while the kids are still in bed. Tried this today and love it. Ready to start my day feeling energised now (and my 4 year old who joined me halfway through liked it too!).

    Thanks Robin and team. Loving being part of the Sisterhood since I joined in March.


  4. Hi Robin,
    I’ve just done your morning routine. It was great, but my core muscles are very weak . I’ve had cancer twice and now have fibromyalgia. The one exercise I was having difficulty with is rolling like a ball. Do you have any tips please. I can go roll backwards, but cannot roll back up to sitting position.
    Thank you for all you do, I really appreciate it.

    1. Hi Gail! I’m so glad you were able to participate with us in this workout! 🙂
      Rolling like a ball is a really tough exercise, so you are not alone in this! It calls for a strong core – consistent Pilates will continue to strengthen your core so you can do this exercise successfully. I wish there was a different magic answer to give you, but consistent Pilates will be most helpful. Cheering you on, Gail! 🙂

  5. Loved this workout to get me going on a Saturday. I always work out in the morning. Having joined the Sisterhood in March I’m starting to know my body and recognise when it’s tight. Robin has great cues and always seem to know what’s happening on my mat ??.
    Thanks to Robin and the team for creating great workouts and a friendly group to share our struggles and successes.

  6. Robin you have reminded me what I should be doing every morning with you, I have lots of back and auto imume problems, I did you morning pilates and vowed never to not do it again , looking forward to rejoining , thank you x x

  7. Robbin,
    I just read your newsletter of Oct 12, 2021. I totally understand, I have finally gotten to that point about 3yrs. I am 68 in a couple of months. I have had Fibro, for years but have been able to override my body telling no no no, for the most parts in the past. I worked a hard physical job plus being a mom, a wife, and a caretaker. I finally have been x-ray this year and have found out that it is not all fibro problem but arthritis, degeneration of parts of most my spine, lots of big words. I also have not had reason to get up and moving anymore. kids are on their own, hubby still working but is gone most the time, my dogs are the only reason to get up and they are old too so no walking them, So I didn’t for over a year, that was the worse thing i could have done. I am now trying, at this point minute by minute, to get moving again. I love the gentle workouts, thank you. And to all out there that just don’t think they can do it. It has to come from you deep inside but you can. Just everyday tell yourself you can and take the first step.

    1. Thanks for sharing about yourself and your health journey, Debie. We love your advice and are cheering you on as you continue to care for yourself. You’ve got this!? ?

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