
Happy Hour: Recipe Swap!

Happy Friday Balanced Life ladies!

recipe swap

This week has been a whirlwind. I’m looking forward to unwinding this evening by grilling dinner outside and enjoying glass of Chardonnay (okay, more like I’ll be sipping wine while my husband does the grilling. Even better).

Since we all have a few more hours left to work let’s get this online happy hour started early! Pour yourself a beverage and join the conversation.

Today’s happy hour question: We all get stuck in ruts with breakfasts, lunches and dinners so let’s talk recipes! Share one of your favorite recipes in the comments below. You can either write it the directions or simply post a link.

joyous health recipe

I’ll start us off. One of my favorite weeknight meals lately has been this Sweet Potato, Kale & Quinoa Bowl from Joyous Health. It hits the spot when I’m craving comfort food.



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2 thoughts on “Happy Hour: Recipe Swap!”

  1. Ooh, I SO need new recipes!! This is nothing new but every morning i’ve been having greek yogurt with honey and frozen berries. it’s healthy and good. also easy to take on the go.

    oh, and a dinner recipe that we use a lot is Cat Cora’s “fried chicken”. it’s great for a healthy meal when you have friends over because who doesn’t love fried chicken? =)

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