
Pilates Summer Series: day #15 – yoga with Brooke Boon

Happy Friday!

And welcome to your last workout of the Pilates Summer Series!

If you’re still with me,  you should be SO proud of your hard work and dedication. I know how busy life is and how easy it is to make excuses. But you hung in there so  congratulations! That is worth celebrating.

I’ll spend more time wrapping things up tomorrow so be sure to visit the blog in the morning (I’ll also be sharing a super simple, healthy Watermelon Granita recipe that you won’t want to miss.)

We have a giveaway winner to announce!

You all have been SO great in your participation I wish I could give this bundle away to each and every one of you! But there can only be one lucky winner. And this week’s winner is… @natbcain!


Congratulations Natalie! Send me an email to claim your prize. 🙂

Let’s workout…

Without further ado, I want to introduce you to our fabulous guest instructor today, Brooke Boon.

Brooke will be leading you through a “yoga for strength” sequence that you’ll want to come back to again and again in the months to come.

I’m so glad I was introduced to Brooke through my followers on Instagram. She has a unique approach to yoga and is an inspiring mother, woman and entrepreneur.


Brooke is the founder of Holy Yoga, a practice centered around the Christian faith. It’s a great option for those of you who are looking to deepen your spiritual life through yoga but have struggled to do so without a fitting, faith-based connection.

Holy Yoga embraces the essential elements of yoga: breath work, meditation and physical postures. But in all of these elements, Christ is the focus of the intention and worship.


I admire Brooke for her dedication to bringing yoga to a wider audience and following her heart’s passion. Here is  a little bit more about her:

A yoga practitioner since 1998, Brooke longed to share the intimate relationship she experienced with God on her yoga mat.  In 2003 she founded Holy Yoga an international 501c3 non-profit ministry.  Brooke is the creator of Holy Yoga’s 95, 225 and 500 hour Instructor Training Programs and facilitates the education of hundreds of certified Holy Yoga instructors worldwide.  Holy Yoga instructors now provide more than 1000 classes each week in the United States, Canada and is expanding into Japan, Philippines, Germany, United Kingdom, Mexico, India, Afghanistan and Africa.

bb bio

Brooke is the co-author of Hatha Yoga Illustrated and the author of Holy Yoga; Exercise for the Christian Body and Soul. Brooke produced seven Holy Yoga DVDs and is featured monthly on Holy Yoga TV, an online resource for all things Holy Yoga.  Born and raised in Tucson, AZ, Brooke now lives in Phoenix with her husband Jarrett and their three children – Jory, Jace and Brynn.

No matter what your faith tradition is, you will love today’s Yoga For Strength workout. Brooke is calming, encouraging and so fun to work with.  She is beautiful inside and out.

Take a few minutes to care for your body today and finish the Pilates Summer Series strong. You’ve worked so hard and come so far.



Today’s Check-In: let me know you’re still with me!

Post anything you want just let me know you’re still out there! Be sure to tag #PilatesSummerSeries so I can see your post.

Don’t forget to come back tomorrow for our final wrap up and yummy, summer recipe. 🙂


Signature-transPS – Looking for more yoga? Be sure to check out Sarah Beth’s 20 minute Yoga For Flexibility routine.



Intertwine Tank 2

Chaturanga Tight

disclaimer: these videos were created for individuals in good health. Robin recommends that you speak with your doctor prior to beginning a new exercise routine. By doing this video you do so at your own risk and agree to release Robin Long and The Balanced Life of any and all liability. Clothing generously provided by Athleta.

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12 thoughts on “Pilates Summer Series: day #15 – yoga with Brooke Boon”

  1. Thank you for the Summer Series! The short 10 +/- minute workouts were perfect to get me moving everyday and helped set me up a good to me day every day.

  2. Thank you for this pilates summer series Robin. I’m a runner who is out of commission (for the minute) due to an injury. You have helped me stay active and feel great, while I heal. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  3. Fabulous video!

    Thank you SO much Robin for doing this – I will be going back to your videos every day & I’ve shared them with everyone I know!

    I look forward to more if you’re up to it! 😀

    Have a wonderful day


  4. Christina Gathright

    Thank you Robin! This month has been awesome! And I absolutely love the new fitness ladies you brought in. I’m now following Sarah Beth in YouTube and feeling amazing! Thank you 🙂

  5. Thank you so much for this whole series! It was really great! I’ll definitely go back and do these workouts again! Also, thank you so super much for introducing us to Brooke! I love yoga and I really love my Jesus! I think her training program will be perfect for me!
    Thank you and God Bless!

  6. This workout was awesome (as they all have been)! It was my first time doing Holy Yoga and I have a feeling it won’t be my last. Thanks so much for putting together the last 3 weeks for us…it’s been amazing and I can’t wait to continue my Pilates practice.

  7. Whew! I am super out of shape and that workout was quite strenuous. Love her energy and am looking forward to trying this one again tomorrow!

  8. Thanks Robin. That was a nice treat. The dog in the background made me smile the whole time!
    Thank you again for the summer series.

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