
Prenatal Core Workout (safe ab exercises for all 3 trimesters)

Hi Beauties!

You might be wondering how to keep your core strong and safe during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Well, you’re in the right place to embark on a workout journey tailored just for you!

We’re kicking things off with a safe, effective core exercise because I’ve found that “ab exercises” are the most misunderstood when it comes to pregnancy and the postpartum period.

I can’t even begin to tell you how many misconceptions there are out there about pregnancy ab workouts. I’ve heard everything from “it’s not safe to do ab work while pregnant” to “you can do all ab exercises during pregnancy.”

One search on Youtube will pull up a wide range of “pregnancy safe” ab workouts – many of which I would strongly disagree with.

So let’s set the record straight for the best approach to pregnancy exercise, shall we?

Is ab work safe during pregnancy?

Absolutely! It’s smart and important to incorporate exercises that strengthen each abdominal muscle into your routine while pregnant. But rather than just focusing on the abs, it’s important to focus on “the core” as whole which includes the pelvic floor, glutes, back, hip flexors and other accessory muscles that affect the stability of the entire body. Your abs, core, and pelvic floor are at the center of so many pilates exercises, so it is important to maintain these muscle groups through your strength training

Are ALL ab exercises safe during pregnancy?

No. After the first trimester I recommend avoiding strenuous physical activities that include lying on your back and flexing the spine forward (i.e. sit ups, crunches, the hundred, etc.).

I also recommend skipping anything that puts too much pressure on the abdominal wall – so this will vary from person to person. Someone who is experienced in Pilates and in-tune with how to properly engage the “TA” may feel more comfortable with certain abdominal exercises while someone who does not have a lot of core strength to begin with or isn’t experienced in activating specific muscle groups may end up doing more harm than good.

The plank is a perfect example: I do planks throughout my pregnancy. All you need is a mat from our collection of pilates equipment at home. Beyond just engaging my core muscles, I make sure to focus on the pelvic floor muscles and “TA” working together to support my baby and lower back. If I wasn’t sure how to do that effectively, there is a good chance that I would allow my lower back to sway, push forward in my abs (increasing the risk of Diastasis Recti) and completely ignore the role of the pelvic floor. Learn more about safely exercising with our blog on Pilates and Diastasis Recti and how Pilates can really play a role in healing the separation in your abs.

So that being said, not every ab exercise is safe during pregnancy and the recommendations vary woman to woman.

As a general rule, avoid exercises that mimic a “crunching” motion and anything that pushes you to the point of strain or loss of control. When in doubt keep movements small and controlled.

What kind of ab workouts is the best during pregnancy?

With myself and my clients I focus on core stability. Exercises that challenge strong core stability as a whole are fantastic for pregnancy. This can be as simple as a starting position of sitting upright in a chair and practicing “cinching the waist”, drawing in from 360 degrees and lifting the pelvic floor to more advanced exercises such as using a light spring on a moving reformer carriage.

With any approach to pregnancy ab exercises, it is important to establish a consistent routine. There is power in routines, so in order to keep up the abdominal strength, make sure to constantly check in with your body and its needs. Core training during pregnancy can also be supplemented through breathwork classes to realign your balance and peace of mind. 

How will core work help me during pregnancy?

In so many ways! Maintaining/building a strong core during pregnancy will help you to avoid back pain, hip pain, sciatica, and pelvic pain throughout your 9 months. During labor and delivery it will provide you with strength and stamina to endure the contractions and deliver your baby with more ease. In addition, you’ll likely have a quicker, easier recovery….who doesn’t want that? 🙂

In conclusion, if you are pregnant and looking for fitness tips, improving your core work may be one of the most important things you do during your pregnancy to encourage a healthy pregnancy, labor, delivery and recovery. 

At Lindywell, we embrace the warmth of physical activity as a loving companion through every chapter of your life’s story. Begin your journey with us on a note of encouragement and support with our Pilates free trial, offering you a treasure trove of over 350+ online Pilates classes. Each class is a step towards nurturing your well-being, during the quiet moments and the significant milestones alike. Join our community, and let’s celebrate the journey of life together, one joyful movement at a time.

So without further ado, let’s dive into this week’s workout…

Prenatal Core Strength (safe ab exercises for all 3 trimesters)

If you are unable to view the embedded video above please click here.

Questions about today’s prenatal core workout? Post them in the comments! 🙂



PS – I would love for you to share this post with friends who are expecting or hope to be soon!

PPS – You may also enjoy Pilates & Diastasis Recti (a must-read for the postpartum period) and how to exercise with a baby.

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9 thoughts on “Prenatal Core Workout (safe ab exercises for all 3 trimesters)”

  1. Hey! I LOVED the first workout!!! I super excited to continue with these the next five weeks. How many times a week do you recommend doing this first workout?

    Congrats on the new baby!!!

    1. Hi Ariel! Glad you enjoyed it. If you are not used to exercising much I would recommend doing this video 3x per week. If you are used to exercise and you don’t feel too sore or tired after doing it I’d aim for 4-5x. That being said, if you feel good it is also safe to do every day! 🙂

  2. Hi Robin!
    Thank you so much for making these, I’m so excited to follow your routines for the next 5 weeks. I loved the core work in the video! Do you have any other prenatal plans to follow? In addition to walking everyday I plan on doing yoga and pilates throughout my entire pregnancy and your program is the 1st one i’ve found that I really like. Thanks for everything!

  3. I loved this workout, thank you! I’ve been doing your first prenatal program through my pregnancy and this is a nice change of pace! I have five weeks to go, so I should hopefully get to try each of your new ones. Thanks again!

  4. Hi Robin,
    I really enjoyed your video. I regularly workout and incorporate core exercises into my routine, so keeping up with core is important to me as baby and I grow together (especially since I am about 20+ pounds overweight and was on track to drop it before becoming pregnant, but ‘surprise!’…the universe has different plans for me).
    I found your video while searching for safe ways to keep up with core workouts while pregnant. I love that we can still do planks while pregnant! I love planks. I followed your side planks (unmodified) and your regular (but prenatal version) plank. My question to you is~ Is it safe to hold a “regular” plank as I would if I were not pregnant? It is still very early for me and I feel well enough to still keep up with all of my typical routine.

    1. Elisabeth Callahan

      Hi Leah! Click on the workout above and you can watch these exercises in the video on this page or on YouTube. 🙂

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