I can’t believe the 2nd trimester has come and gone!
Wow, the second pregnancy goes so much faster than the first. I feel like I’ve hardly had a chance to take pictures, prepare for baby or even stop to think much about his pregnancy. I will consider that a good thing though, I’m grateful that there haven’t been any big complications or difficulties to drastically change our day-to-day life.
Here are some thoughts on the 2nd trimester…
I felt great during the 2nd trimester. Even better than I did with Blake. I had a lot hip aches & pains with Blake but this time it’s been smooth sailing. I had about 2 weeks of achey hips (while they expanded?) but after that the pain disappeared. Â I made sure to do a lot of hip stretches and stretches for my SI joint to counteract the discomfort. It seemed to have worked!
After about 15 weeks my energy levels sky-rocketed. I felt good, exercised 3-4 x per week and was able to return to my normal way of eating. Hallelujah!
I kept up with my goal of exercising 3-4x per week. This is in addition to just trying to be active each day. Workouts consist of Pilates or Barre at home, power walks and strength circuits in the park while Blake plays (I share more about these daily details on Instagram & Facebook).
Thankfully my food aversions subsided and I was able to return to my normal way of eating. I’ve been trying to be mindful of not EATING ALL THE TIME, which is pretty much what I want to do.
I have been VERY hungry and I just like to eat. 🙂 I’ve been trying to pay close attention to when I’m truly, truly hungry vs. when I just feel like snacking. I’ve given into indulgences more than I normally would but not in an extreme way.
I also fasted from sugar for a week which was a good way to recognize some dependence I may have been experiencing. I’m not a big sugar-addict but there are definitely cravings that I needed to get over. I’m feeling much better and much more in control since kicking the habit for a week.
Weight Gain:
This is what everyone really wants to know right? At the end of the second trimester (28 weeks) I had gained 20 lbs. Those pounds have been nicely spread all over my body (not just the belly) and I’m bigger in all ways. But feeling good about where I’m at. 🙂
As I head into the third trimester I’m noticing that my energy levels are dropping a bit and I’m starting to feel big and awkward. I have a feeling these months are going to FLY by. I’m prepping to go on a short maternity leave in September & October so there is much work to be done to keep this blog in action. (Speaking of, if you’re interested in guest blogging, please fill out this application).
Thanks for all your kind support! I’m loving this pregnancy and also looking forward to getting back into good, active shape in the Fall. I miss my runs!
PS – you may also enjoy thoughts on the first trimester and how to exercise with a baby.
10 thoughts on “Thoughts on the 2nd trimester…”
Awesome.. i have read your such a wonderful article. thanks for a share information.
You look wonderful and it sounds as if you are feeling wonderful as well! Which must mean baby boy is happy and snug 🙂 Thank you for sharing your life and experiences with us and thank you very very much for all the work you are doing for all of us!
So awesome that all is going well. And I agree, the second pregnancy seems to go faster, I’m thinking because you are busy with your little one. 😉
Robin, you look fantastic!! Isn’t it amazing what a difference feeling more energetic and ‘normal’ makes?!
First of all….you look GREAT! so happy you are feeling better and enjoying good food again! :). Second, tell me about this sugar fast because it sounds like something I need to do lately. For me, I have one indulgence and it’s heck in a handbag from there, the sugar cravings just don’t stop!
What a cute pregnant person you are! I’m glad you’re feeling better and I hope that continues.
Magnificent, it feels awesome when your are becoming a mom, Thanks for sharing i like to read it 🙂
Great Post! It is always an amazing feeling to be a mother.
Glad this resonated with you, Dr. Gupta!